Dry Needling
Dry needling is a treatment modality where an acupuncture needle is inserted into a myofacial trigger point (taut band of muscle), in trained hands it is an effective and safe technique for the treatment of myofascial pain and dysfunction.
Dry needling is somewhat of a western take on acupuncture, an ancient Chinese system of medicine dating back thousands of years. A technique commonly integrated into a physiotherapist’s existing skillset, enhancing clinical effectiveness, as well as broaden the range of conditions a physiotherapist can treat effectively.
Musculoskeletal and sports physiotherapists have been using dry needling and acupuncture in their treatment sessions for decades and the evidence base for use of these techniques in physiotherapy, has increased substantially in recent times.
Areas commonly treated with dry needling physiotherapy include:
- Acute and chronic back pain
- Chronic neck pain
- Tension type and migraine headaches,
- Knee osteoarthritis,
- Lateral elbow pain and
- Shoulder conditions
Dry Needling Physiotherapy to Myofacial Trigger Points
Dry needling physiotherapy to myofacial trigger points uses anatomy and physiology to select the exact point to needle and although it is quite different to acupuncture many points used in dry needling correspond with those used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
How Dry Needling Physiotherapy Works
The purpose of dry needling trigger points is to desensitize these trigger points, promote healing and enhance the production of endorphins. Performance Physio Clinic typically uses dry needling to treat the pain associated with conditions such as spinal pain, osteoarthritis, tendinopathy, headaches and migraines.